Woolworths Double Bay Parking; Double Bay Village; Double Bay Residents
Kiaora Road safety
Traffic stats (Ave. peak since 2015)
Kiaora Road is classified as a local road (although it acts like a collector road) and traffic movement is reported as 'vehicles per hour' (vph).
Pre-development (Dec 2009) - 81 vph * or 34% of car park traffic
Post-development (Jun 2016) - 458 vph or 50% of car park traffic
Average peak traffic since April 2015 - 431 vph or 50% of car park traffic
Woollahra Council traffic flow control - 295 vph #
* Uses the Kiaora Lane Existing Thursday Afternoon Peak Hour Intersection Flows.
# Extrapolated from Halcrow's Future Thursday Afternoon Peak Hour Intersection Flows.
Congestion (Ave. peak since 2015)
Congestion is reported as the percentage change in traffic flow.
UP 432%
on pre-development
On average, the Kiaora Road access carries 432% more traffic than Kiaora Lane did before the development.
It is over-utilised by 136 vehicles per hour when compared against the Woollahra Council traffic flow control of 295 vph.
Safety limits (Ave. peak since 2015)
Pedestrian risk is reported as the number of vehicles per hour above or below the RMS (RTA) maximum threshold of 300 vph for local road residential amenity.
131 OVER
the limit
At an average of 431 vph the Kiaora Road access is 131 vph OVER the prescribed threshold for residential safety and amenity.
Facts & Sources
Current Status (Ave. since 2015)
Carries 50% of all car park traffic or 431 vph
Congestion UP by 432%
OVER the RMS safety limit by 131 vph
OVER the Woollahra Council traffic flow control by 136 vph
Originally approved with two entrance lanes (as well as two exit lanes) it was later modified to a single entrance lane at the risk of pushing motorists into other entrances.
Operating at an average peak since April 2015 of 431 vph, which includes some of the traffic burden diverted from Anderson Street, the Kiaora Rd access is 131 vph OVER the RMS (RTA) threshold of 300 vph for local road residential amenity and the environmental threshold for a collector road. It is also OVER Woollahra Council traffic flow conditions for the development by 136 vph.
On-street parking has been reduced to accommodate the new access and a further parking spaces have been removed to enhance traffic flow. A pedestrian crossing has been installed.
The Kiaora Road car park doors open at 6am in line with Woolworth's opening hours.
Traffic incidents affecting Kiaora Road are reported on this site.